In 2007, our team was formed by captain Brigid Tuley, a survivor who was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer in 2006. After eight intense treatments of chemo, several surgeries, 33 radiation therapy treatments, many lab/doctor visits, and countless tears (much like other cancer patients), Brigid decided that she was ready to take her treatment/therapy battle cry (KSCA - Kicking Some Cancer A--) to the next stage: fundraising to help further research and eradicate this disease.
Our team which includes other survivors (Gretchen Polenzani, Gemina Petruzzelli, Julie Kazmer Finney, Donna Walker, and the late Kim Pavel), has been fundraising since 2007 and has raised over $912,463 during that time frame.
We raise money on behalf of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation for the following reasons:
Their dedication to breast cancer - they are the highest-rated breast cancer research organization in the USA (4/4 stars at Charity Navigator; A rating at Charity Watch; GoldStar USA's Gold Seal of Transparency)
For every dollar received, BCRF allocates 88 cents for breast cancer research and awareness programs
41% of their research program is dedicated to metastasis
Their researchers tackle breast cancer from every angle - and their grants to medical/university institutions across the country reflect this philosophy
Your tax-deductible donation will help some of the world's best researchers discover how to prevent and cure breast cancer. And, for every $40 donation that we receive, you will receive a ticket to BreastFest (October 4, 2025) at the Sundance Saloon in Mundelein, IL.
BC Survivors - your entry is free, please email us!
Remember, every dollar counts and if you can't donate right now, please help us reach our goal by sharing this page via email and on your social channels.
Thank you so much for your generosity - you are truly helping us bring an end to cancer!